Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Wolves are back!

Well, tomorrow will mark my first game in quite a while. I will be taking on Bill and his Orks. During this down time I have been trying to strip and get some other models ready for my army and that has gone pretty well. For Bill I will be bringing a lot of unfinished models which I normally dont do, but meh... I'm allowed to be lazy every once in a while.

So for Bill I am bringing a bunch of troops and 2 dakka preds. By a lot of troops, I mean 3 drop pods of Blood Claws (unfinished boo hoo) and 3 Rhinos of Grey Hunters. It should be a massacre... one way or the other. lol Each pack will have their own wolf guard and I am bringing Redmaw and 2 Wolf Priests. Should be quite a site.

Over the past couple weeks I have been reading like normal... I read a Star Wars: The Old Republic book named Deceived. A good book about Malgus... serious badassery in that book imo. I also started reading a Black Templars book named Helsreach... so far it is a pretty good read. Orks dying is a good thing. :)

So after today I will take some picks of the new Blood Claw groups and some of the new Terminators and scouts I am still changing over. Bunch of stuffs been going on. Check yas later. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pictures from the past couple gaming nights...

There were two games this past Saturday... one between Matt and Digger and one between Steve and Chase. Matt and Steve pulled out the victories. Here are some pics from the festivities...

(here is one of Rik and Kyle from last Thursday.)

A couple of my wife and daughter who went to see bridesmaids at the movies and still had to wait for Kyle and Rik to finish their game... hehehe

Territory selection from Saturday...

Various game shots...

Fun was had by all and we learned some new rules like falling back and regrouping by Space Marines and how to properly split the fire of a Long Fangs units. Both things we did wrong on Saturday but know for the future which is helpful. The first, we space marine players were automatically rallying our troops after we got out of 6" of an enemy which is not the case. You rally at the beginning of your movement. As for the Long Fangs, they were splitting the fire of the Long Fangs during their shooting phase instead of at the start of shooting... essentially firing the unit as if it were two units instead of one. An example; Firing half of the Long Fangs unit to blow up a rhino and then the other half to shoot at the passengers inside which had to get out. Which is wrong. Targets are picked at the start of shooting. Good things to know. :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Tyranid battle....

It was the break of dawn when the first shots were fired on the battle field. Bran Redmaw was rinding in his Land Raider with Askel Asmundson, Ulrich Goldenclaw and his full pack of Grey Hunters. To his east came the bulk of the army with two Rhinos and two Predator tanks. Even further east was the Dreadnought Absalon and a unit of Wolf Scouts.

The Dreadnought and Predator tanks brought about many shots into a large Tyranid. The sounds of the Lascannons, missle launcher and Autocannon were music to Bran's ears. He did not get to hear the next volley onto the large Tyranid, but he heard the whip and crackle of Lightning and knew it was his Rune Priests bringing their powers to bear upon the mighty beast. Two of his guards fell in the onslaught and the beast ran for cover.

A Spore pod dropped from the skies and a group of floating Tyranids flowed forth using a building as partial cover from the guns of the Predator tanks. The priests stopped their use of the warp several times. Our mighty land raider turned upon them with a barrage of weapons fire that would have killed entire packs, but not a single wound was caused. This back and forth of firing kept going for many hours as the rhinos started to move west to gain cover and move to where their own psychic abilities could be used without interruption.

A large tyranid came forth from the ground to attack from the east. The Predator tanks turned and fired many lascannon shots into it along with our priests bringing forth the lightning. It fell like a large tree, lying on the ground with many holes breathing fire from its carcass.

The lightning flowed from the skies again, but the might jaws of the wolves of Fenris did not bite. Many more weapons were shot at the floating Tyranids without a single wound being dealt. Out of the Skies came a winged Tyrant and he immobolized a Predator tank as a group of Tyranids shot and removed weapons from the other. Our brothers were lost not soon after as the winged Tyrant moved into combat with our brothers in the rhinos. The group of Genestealers rolled over the predator tanks demolishing them and destroying those within never losing strides and moving towards the rhinos.

In a desperate effort to turn the tides of the battle, or brothers lead by Halvard Halfwolf and Zeth Longfurr exited their rhinos and destroyed the winged Tyrant. It was quite a battle as the beast shrugged off many wounds before falling to a mighty blow from Longfurr's Powerfist. At the same time, Bran Redmaw lead his unit from his rhino and into an assault upon a pack of small Tyranids, the floating beasts and its pod. Our mighty Jarl struck first ripping through five small beasts. Askel and a few of his brothers killed eight more with their blows. The floating Tyranids were next as two fell into heaps as our brothers slashed at them with their chainswords. The beasts then struck back and three of our brothers took blows to remove them from battle. The pod was then ripped through with chainswords and to finish the battle, Goldenclaw struck down the last floating Tyranid and waited for the next wave of Tyranids to come... but they didnt... the Tyranids fell back and what looked like the end became a victory for our Great Company!

In the end, no one can recall what happened to Absalon or the unit of Wolf Scouts to his east. All that can be told of their story is that many Genestealer Tyranids lead by a vicious Broodlord came charging from the east demolishing everything in their way. The only trace of the Wolf Scouts were guns and armor and Lord Absalon was damaged beyond repair. If any brothers have an account of this, please come tell me the tale.

Pictures from Thursday's games will be posted here prolly tomorrow. :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Stories before battle...

The Iron Priest and his thralls were working diligently assembling the missle launcher arm to the Dreadnought of the First Great Company.

The Xenos are large. I should be amongst them as fast as possible.

"You will be among them soon enough with our current plan for deployment."

Your current plan is too slow.

"I know it was the Tyranids that cut your thread, brother, but I am the Jarl now and you will do as I command." Bran Redmaw walked to the front of the great Dreadnought Absalon Angrensen. "Count yourself lucky that our Iron Priest was able to repair you so quickly after our last battle."

Bran Redmaw turned and began to walk out of the large room where Absalon stayed. "We have been through many battles. Over a hundred years worth. The Great Wolf has sent us and two other companies to take this world. So far it has been only us that are proving our worth." Redmaw stopped at the large exit and turned back to Absalon. "You will get your fill of killing the Tyranids, brother. You will get your revenge."


The clashing in the practice cage was fierce and fast. Tolvar had built a good sweat after being in the cage for many hours. Once done, he opened the door to leave.

"You are looking slow in your old age, brother." Snorted Two-Toes as he grabed his weapon to enter the cage. The fresh scars over the left side of his face were still new to him and his pack.

"Try to keep your balance, you ugly bastard."

"Compared to you, I am a blurr of precision."

Tolvar bared his teeth with a laugh. "Where was your precision on the battlefield, brother?"

If he was hurt by the comment, no one could tell. Two-Toes went into the practice cage and remained there for four hours working on his combat skills so that he may never be the only wolf to fall in his pack again. When he was finally finished, he exited the cage to a waiting Tolvar.

"Four hours, brother?"

"Yes. I recognize my failings and I am working to correct it."

Tolvar Tolvarsen stood and walked to his brother, claping him on the shoulder. "The traitors wounds upon you was a lucky strike. One that no one in the pack could have stopped. Well, no one other than me." Tolvar bared his teeth, smiled and began walking with his wolf brother. "Today we are going into battle with the Rune Priest Magnus Murkvinter. Feeling the cold winds he will bring will refresh us all on this world."

"Who is he replacing?"


"He will not be happy."

"He is the newest and will learn his place in the pack. Perhaps you could tell him some tales to take his mind off of it?"

"Perhaps." Two-Toes turned to go down a seperate hallway. He was a few feet down the hall when he yelled over his shoulder. "Perhaps not."

Tolvar smiled as he kept walking.


After being the only pack to be defeated in their last battle, Halvard Halfwolf was hard on his pack after the recovery from their wounds. There was no rest for them. Their training was rigorous and their thirst for prey had grown.

"Godvin." Godvin Gammelhall walked up to the Wolf Guard. "Let your brothers know that we will be going into battle today with Brynjolf Blasjo. He will be replacing Preben. Let them know the winds of Fenris will have followed us here this day. Our Rune Priest brother will bring the lightning and the mighty jaws of the Fenris wolves to our enemy."

"Yes, brother."

The Second Pack is done...

All except for the transfers and the dull coat. Decent table top quality in my opinion. :)

Here are some pics and then a combined pick of the first two packs...

More updates tomorrow. I'm tired. lol

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Battle of the Fang

What a great book. This was a book I couldnt put down. The battles in it were awesome and I fell in love with the characters. The wrapping up of the book was prolly my favorite part. It brought about ideas I could use for my own army and expanded my knowledge of the Wolves.

As for my army... I think I am going to steal the entirety of my sons army and make one large army of Space Wolves. I'll keep yas up to date on that when/if it happens and I will have pics soon of my second pack all done up. They are close. Touch ups and basing pretty much. Laters.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Saturday has come and gone!

And the First Great Company of the Spaces Wolves lead by Jarl Bran Redmaw did not see the field of battle. Our opponents were selected though... and the Wolves will be battling the Tyranids this Thursday. Should be good times. Will be battling Digger who is a pretty good player.

As it were, my son Chase and his Corsairs battled my Wolf Brother Kip and my Wolf Brother Steve battled Matt and his Grey Knights. Both second week games. To start the night, Kyle's Night Lords took on Matt's Grey Knights and the traitors won.

Some pics from the night's games...

Kyle vs. Matt...

(Left to Right) Matt, Steve and Kyle...

Kyle's Night Lords...
Rik and Kyle...
All of Kyle's dead....

Various Pic's of Kip and Chase's fight...

Various Pics of Steve and Matt's game...

Update on the second pack of claws either tomorrow of Wednesday... and I should be done with Battle of the Fang which is an awesome book.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The First Heretic...

So I finished The First Heretic of the Horus Heresy series. I thought the book was really well written. The plot points were really good from the start and the interjection of the Ultramarines to little things like the mentioning of the two lost legions kept me interested. It was a good read. There was also a special appearance by my favorite Primarch, Corax and the butchering he could do.

In the end my dislike for Lorgar became clear. He and his legion come across as weak... especially Lorgar. He comes across as a weakling among his brothers. The Night Haunter really gave him a tongue lashing which was cool.

If not for the appearance of the Raven Guard, this book even though written by Dembski-Bowden, wouldnt be near the top of my list of Heresy novels. Mainly because of how weak Lorgar is. The little things like names from previous books and things like that keep it above my bottom dwellers; Fulgrim and Nemesis.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pictures of the game Saturday...

For our campaign, my first game was against my son Chase and his Red Corsairs. I am going to have to say this is was a tale of two games. His Vindicators and meltaguns were ruling the day early and then my squad of Redmaw (Blackmane), Wolf Priest, Wolf Guard and Grey Hunters wrecked his face... all because of a good Wolf Tail roll to stop a Lash that would have done them in.

It was our first games with these armies and we had some fun. Onto some pics of our game... they will be in turn order, but I missed a couple... and these were taken with my phone so a bit blurry. :(

The next game was between my wolf brother, Kip and my bud Rik and his Blood Angels. They played to a draw and I only got a couple pics...

Fun was had by all I believe. :)

Also I painted up one of my Wolf Guard... Wolf Guard Zeth Longfurr.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bring on the Corsairs!

"You have your orders. Prepare yourselves for victory."

That was all Niel got to hear our Lord say as he walked through the doorway and down the corridor. His facial expression was grim and his hair was dark and long. His strides were strong and purposeful as he carried his wolf helm under his arm.

"You! New Blood!" Wolf Guard Ulrich Goldenclaw came up. "Get to the pack and tell them to ready themselves for we leave soon. We are riding with our Lord and Askel Asmundson and will be the heart of the army so let them know and make sure they prepare."

Niels made his way to his pack to spread the news and ready himself for deployment.


Wolf Guard Zeth Longfurr gathered his pack to ready them for the coming battle.

"Brothers we have our orders."

Tolvar looked up from cleaning his Power Axe. "Do we now?" He smirked down to Jannek Youngwolf sitting down from him. "Happy now, young one? You can cease walking around here in your somber mood." Jannek shook his head and finished cleaning his bolter.

"We are to take the middle ground. Our Lord will be riding with Goldenclaw in their Land Raider. He is also bringing Asmundson which is different." Zeth moved to his weapons and began putting on his Powerfist.

Tolvar looked down at him. "The Wolf Priest? He rarely seems the field anymore." Jannek threw down his cleaning utensils and stood in a huff. "Jannek, please. Josef gave his apologies for the offense. Let it go. Would the story of how Two-Toes got his name bring a smile to your face?" Everyone in the room besides Jannek and Two-Toes seemed to chuckle.

"I do not know of the story, so I do not know."

"It is none of his business how I got my name." Two-Toes snorted. "He will learn it when he learns to control his childish anger."

"That may be a very long time." Tolvar said as he chuckled.

Zeth looked up with a smirk. "Enough. Ready yourselves. We leave shortly."


It was shortly before dawn as the forces of Bran Redmaw pushed into known Red Corsairs territory. The Land Raider taking the middle flanked by a Razorback and Predator tank. To his east the Dreadnought Absalon the Angered and to the north were the Packs lead by Zeth Longfurr and Halvard Halfwolf with Predator support. The sun began to raise as the Vindicator's Demolisher cannons hit their marks and the Predator tank lost its twin-linked Lascannon.

Our Lord pushed the Land Raider forward as the enemy Vindicators rained damage down upon the Predator and Razorback cause more damage. The packs to the north moved up to take major objectives and intercept two Rhinos filled with traitors. Absalon moved on and fell shortly after to a large unit of Corsairs and five brilliant meltagun shots to his rear.

The Red Corsairs, under the cover of forests and Vindicator fire, made their way to our Lord's Land Raider. A large flash of teleportation flashed. Three traitorous Obliterators appeared right next to the Land Raider and damaged it so bad it could no longer move. Our Lord, Aksel Asmundson and Longfurr's pack exited the Land Raider and began to terrorize and devour the Corsairs. They assaulted a group of berzerked Corsairs and our Lord Bran Redmaw killed seven of the traitors by himself followed by Asmundson who killed the remaining three. The rest of the unit wrecked the Vindicator.

To the north a group of Corsairs led by a Sorcerer defeated the pack led by Halvard Halfwolf to a man and secured their objective. On the other side of the forest, the pack led by Longfurr defeated a unit of Corsairs and began their trek north to the objective.

Back to the south, our Lord led another assault into a unit of Corsairs led by a Sorcerer. Our Lord destroyed the Sorcerer with one swift swing. Asmundson led the rest of the unit in and destroyed the entire unit to a man causing the rest of the Corsairs army to flee the field.


"I had never seen someone move as ferociously as our Lord. He tore through the Corsairs swiftly and accurately. He and Asmundson hit them first and there was nothing left for the rest of us to bring our weapons upon. Our Lord began with a high swing of his great frostblade across a Corsair removing the upper right side of his torso and head. The follow through brought his blade across his body and he kicked a traitor away to his right and rolled over another. He then brought the blade back to the right slicing through the mid section cleaving a traitor in two as he shot a traitor in the face point blank with his bolt pistol on his left. The carnage did not stop til they were all dead... and all we could do as a pack is watch in amazement." - Cyrill Whitefang

"Our Lord parried the Sorcerer, speared his blade through him and then decapitated him so fast it was over before it began... but I finally got to taste their blood as I got into the fight plunging my claws into two traitors." - Ulrich Goldenclaw

"Climbing out of the Rhino wreckage the smoke was everywhere, and then we caught a glimpse of the traitors and began our assault and decimation of them. They put up a valiant fight, but in the end, we felt no pain and destroyed them for the Allfather." - Arnth Anderrsenn

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First Pack is done... well almost... :P

Well here we go. All that needs to be done is the transfer and they will all be done at the end. Here is they update...

Front and back of the entire pack...

A few closer pictures...

The dark is Devlan Mud... first highlight is Space Wolves Grey and the fine highlight is Skull White.

Hope yas like them :)