Friday, June 10, 2011

The First Heretic...

So I finished The First Heretic of the Horus Heresy series. I thought the book was really well written. The plot points were really good from the start and the interjection of the Ultramarines to little things like the mentioning of the two lost legions kept me interested. It was a good read. There was also a special appearance by my favorite Primarch, Corax and the butchering he could do.

In the end my dislike for Lorgar became clear. He and his legion come across as weak... especially Lorgar. He comes across as a weakling among his brothers. The Night Haunter really gave him a tongue lashing which was cool.

If not for the appearance of the Raven Guard, this book even though written by Dembski-Bowden, wouldnt be near the top of my list of Heresy novels. Mainly because of how weak Lorgar is. The little things like names from previous books and things like that keep it above my bottom dwellers; Fulgrim and Nemesis.

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