Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Sweet Home Brew...

So lately I have been itching to write some stories and things like that... and like most other things that I do, I ended up circling back to 40K and more specifically Space Marines. What started this was the Necron release. I read their new book and found it to be quite cool. I really liked the idea of their new fluff. I liked that they could have personality. That inspired me to make many lists and start some background for a Necron army... but the thing is... if I am going to be anything in the 40K universe, its going to be a Space Marine.

This brought me back to what I am currently doing in the hobby, which is nothing. I looked at the ass ton of Space Wolves I have and determined that I didnt want to play the army. Nothing wrong with them, and I love their fluff, but there are many other Space Wolves armies out there. I then fell back into my first love, the Raven Guard. I really love the fluff of the Raven Guard, but that army is kind of retired. After all of that, I remembered a chapter I wanted do from way back when I first got into the hobby.

When I first thought of this chapter, I saw it as all white with secondary colors. I began to paint up my terminators and quickly came to the conclusion that white was a color I was not ready to paint. :) Then the Raven Guard army was made and that was that... Just recently I began toying with the idea again. Making my own chapter to use and thought up another color scheme. It just didnt do it and then, I picked up an old White Dwarf and spotted my chapter colors.

And there they were...

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