Monday, July 2, 2012


6th Edition was fun. :) Rik and I played a game of 6th edition yesterday, most likely my last game with my Raven Guard army, and we had a blast. The game was a lot of fun. Here are some things about sixth edition that I thought was interesting...

1. Flyers. You have to have one or a reliable way to kill them. So either take terrain to kill them or another flyer of your own. They are very good.

2. Rhinos and transports like them wreck very easily. You have to get them where you want them as fast as possible which is kind of easy as a rhino can move 18 inches in a turn. So you can't just sit back, wait for the end of the game and race to an objective. Your tanks are going to die. It can be more advantageous to footslog your marines in certain situations. I mean, you can have the ability to have some of your unit out of sight so they cant take wounds and other things that make it better to run them across the board. Because that rhino can blow up so easily, the wounds they can take from it are just as bad as being shot at while running. My opinion anyways.

3. Plasma weapons. They are so good now and important. Being AP2, it will be the only real way to get rid of anything in terminator armor. I had a sergeant with a plasma pistol. A plasma cannon and a plasma gun. In the future I would bring more.

4. Premeasuring.... makes the game a bit faster as there is no guessing on shooting.

5. Positioning of models. It is super important to keep some regular troops in front of the important ones. They have to take the wounds first and then you can do a lookout, sir.

6. Close combat works a little differently. You have a pile in move at every initiative step which makes sure you get your attacks in. Your set up in close combat is pretty important as is the removal of models in base to base. For instance, you dont want your powerfist dude to be in base to base and die first, yet you dont want too many inches between him and a model when he attacks.

7. Challenges. They are awesome for keeping your unit from getting wiped out against someone like Dante or Shrike. It will save your unit from losing 2 models from a sergeants power weapons. Having multiple characters in a unit lets you pick who challenges or accepts. It is an awesome addition to the game. My power axe sergeant went up against Dante's power axe... he got destroyed, but he still had a shot at Dante. :)

There is more and I cant wait to play more of 6th edition.... when I get a flyer of course. :) That stormraven flying around the board doing whatever it wanted is too much. :)

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