Sunday, May 29, 2011

And so it begins...

Last night we picked territories on the planetary empires map for our campaign. Looks like there will be 8 of us in it. We will have myself, Kyle, Rik, Matt, Kip, Chase, Steve and Digger. This is all for fun and we are shooting for more of an army growing feel to it even though we are playing at 2000pt armies. :)

What we are going to do is something to reward things that happen that are epic during the battles. For instance a space marine battling and taking down a Carnifex. Or an aspiring champion holding an entire space marine squad for a couple rounds. Or a Predator that destroys a lot of armor during the fight.

The way we are going to do this is similar to the way you do in one of the Warhammer Fantasy campaigns where you give your champion an ability once you reach a certain amount of points. Then roll on a chart. Any non-named character can receive these bonuses and they can accumulate over the course of the campaign. It should be quite good as it would allow us to even bring these armies back again to another campaign and use those characters over and over.

The map ended up looking like this after the territory selection...

.... and Kyle said he would paint it up and make it look nice. So I'm thinking the map will look like this next Saturday...

As for my army, it was great to talk to Kip who has the same kind of ideas for his army that I have for mine. He is also playing Space Wolves as Morkai's company. He is an awesome painter and his fist model looks fantastic. I'll get some pictures of them next Saturday. They will blow you away. He is awesome at green stuff and mods... they looked so nice. Anyways, he is going to keep track of his sagas and the play of his army much like I am going to do. It just adds a little more to the gaming experience if you ask me.

We are both going to have journals and whatnot. I can't wait to get it started and get more stuff painted. The stories that we are going to tell will be epic. :)

There will be more in the future on the abilities charts and things like that... more info and pics of the army... and as always check out Distant Battle Grounds for some stuff from Kyle and Rik... whenever they write something. hehe :)

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