I guess I should introduce myself as I was asked by a bud to give some of my awesome insight into this fun hobby of ours. My name is Mike, I am married and I have a couple teenagers (one daughter and one son) who also play this game. I just got into the hobby a couple years ago when a local store opened that was run by a friend Kyle. I bought some Space Marines and made my own special Raven Guard. I ripped some faces off and all that good stuff and then took quite a while off until recently when I started a new army, Space Wolves, to play at Kyle's house.
Getting back into this hobby is not an easy thing to do. I mean, hell, its just like any other hobby. To do it right you gotta pay through the nose. So I start getting back into 40K and BOOM they shit on our chests with a price increase. I'm pretty sure that was the last reason why I quit playing... but this time I'm going to power through it. We have a nice little group going where we get together and play and I want to do that as much as possible before I get sucked back into an Online MMORPG playing which is my other hobby.
This will be the beginning of a constant blog update of my Space Wolves, building them, painting them and finally playing games with them. I mean, who doesn't want to hear funny stories of me ripping the dicks off my friends? I mean, its what I do. Run tell that.
So here we go to kick this off. Here is the base for my army and the reasons I picked them. Feel free to comment at the end on what you would change or add as I will be changing and adding to the army in the future. This is just the base army. (Remember that you douchers... don't go apeshit on my list...)
HQ -
Bran Redmaw (Ragnar Blackmane) - I love Furious Charge. Thats it. Plain and simple. If I can somehow get it, I want it. I find him kinda expensive, but when you combine him with 3 other power weapon characters you can get some crazy damage going. Lets say you hit 3 on his D3 roll.. thats 8 S6 hits, 6 S5 hits, 6 S5 hits with claws and 5 S5 hits... all power weapon with preferred enemy... then 45 or so regular hits? WTF yes... run tell that.
Wolf Priest w/ Wolf Tail Talisman - Preferred Enemy is hot sauce. Put him with Redmaw and the 10man Grey Hunters in a Land Raider. Yummy.
Elite -
Dreadnought W/hvy Flamer - I love Dreads and they can do so many different things. For the same points I can put on a Missle Launcher so its flexible in the list.
5Man Wolf Scout Pack W/ Meltagun, Melta Bombs and 3 Sniper Rifles - Scouts off any table edge? Cmon thats like a no brainer. You gotta take that. They will be blowing up armor... hopefully.
Wolf Guard -
(1) Dual Wolf Claws, Melta Bombs - Goes in the 10man Grey Hunter unit.
(2) Powerfist and Bolter - Goes in a 9man Grey Hunter unit.
(3) Powerfist and Bolter - Goes in a 9man Grey Hunter unit.
Troops -
10man Grey Hunters w/ 2 Meltas and a Power Weapon. - This unit goes with all the badness in the Land Raider. The first list had Blood Claws, but with Redmaw I dont need the Blood Claws so it changed to Grey Hunters. That would make 4 characters with power weapons, furious charge. +D3 on the charge and Preferred Enemy. The one weakness is no Powerfist (which I dont like using in a Furious Charged unit) and only one Melta Bomb... but really... I dont think I am going to be charging this unit into an Ironclad or anything like that.
9man Grey Hunters w/ Meltagun and Power Weapon in a Rhino. x2 - These are my basic objective taking troops. They cover most any problem with the Power Weapon and Powerfists along with the Meltagun.
5man Grey Hunters w/ Razorback and TL Lascannons - This is the defensive objective holder for the army. People may say that Las/Plas is the way to go, but I roll so shitty that I need that twin-linked action. hehe
Heavy -
Land Raider Crusader w/ Multi-Melta - Eat it bitches. 13 First Great Company warriors running into your face and eating your heart.
Predator w/ TL Lascannon and Lascannon sponsons x2 - Why? Stormravens suck. I love them if I play with them (which I dont) and I hate them when I play against them (which I do). So eat all my Lascannons you Grey Knight and Blood Angel homos. (Thats you Rik and Matt) I got your ceramite armor right here! (I grabbed my junk even though you cant see it.)
So here is some of the army... all the troops, Land Raider, Dreadnought and Rhino before priming. I already have the other crap ordered so just waiting for it. I should have it all built by the weekend. More pics and updates to come. :)
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