Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The written word...

First off... I'm not gunna make daily updates to this blog... at least I dont think so... but work is so GD boring today that I thought I would muse a bit over staying up too late and reading books while I should be dreaming...

I recently started reading Dan Abnett's Prospero Burns... prolly when I started my Space Wolves and it is quite a good book. I get my inspiration and play style of my army from what I read. For my Raven Guard army, all I had to go on at the time were lil blarbs in the SM Codex and what was on the games workshop site. That really wasnt much of anything. With these Space Wolves, there are several stories I can read and will be reading to give me a better feeling for my army.

I want to take a more roleplay-ish kind of play style with these Wolves. I would lke to keep track of what pack does what in their battles and progress with army creation based on that. I think that would be a good addition for me and my games. Something different and more in-depth to keep my interest is always a good thing.

The interaction between the Space Wolves in Dan Abnett's Prospero Burns is something I can build on. It is quite a good read and it gets better the further I go. The packs, Jarls and the whole Rout are very different and unique which makes me want to keep reading... even if I lose a little sleep over it.

Anyways... tonight I will be painting my first Space Wolf. I have base coated the entire army (minus the tanks) and will start paiting each one individually. I'm going to be taking some different steps with this army than when I did my Raven Guard. For isntance I am painting the models with the bolters already attached and I am not going to assembly line paint them. I am going to paint them individually to give each model its own attention. This will take me longer to paint them, but in the end I think I will enjoy it more. I'll hopefully have a picture up of it tonight or tomorrow.

As always, checkout Distant Battle Grounds as that is Kyle's blog. I will have a bit of stuff on there along with other players in our play group to keep our gaming up to date.

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