Monday, July 4, 2011

Brothers against Brothers...

"Maim, do not kill." Is what Bran Redmaw said over the company wide Vox channel.

The packs of the first great company were moving into the lands of their brothers in an effort to strengthen their efforts of conquering this forsaken planet. The strength of the other company was dwindling and if the wolves grew stronger, it would benefit the Legion. Removing weakness grows strength.

The first great company moved onto the field in a spearhead attack with five objectives to take. Soon after taking the field, two Space Wolf drop pods came down behind three of our rhinos and in front of our Predators. Perfect Space Wolf placement. Our Lord, surprised at the maneuver, proceeded to shred the Wolf Guard and their Wolf Lord, leaving their hearts beating so they my fight another day.

As this was happening, a group of our Grey Hunters lead by Longfurr moved north on the table trying to outflank our brothers. His Rhino came to a halt under the fire of several long fangs to the east. A group of Blood Claws led by Haakon Skruud moved in their rhino to the east to try and take an objective that was swarming with the enemy. Following his rhino was a pack of Sky Claws led by Wolf Guard Brein Darkclouds moving in unison to keep cover behind terrain. They exploded from behind cover assaulting the enemy in full force and decimating them to secure the objective. The Sky Claws then took to the skies towards the Long Fangs to the northeast.

Our Wolf Scouts moved on behind the Long Fangs and charged into them the same turn. It was a great battle lasting several minutes. In the end, several of the enemy fell along with a mighty Rune Priest and a couple of our Scout brothers fell back into some woods. Those two scouts regrouped and charged a rhino making in immobile and saving it from getting to and objective we controlled.

A pack of enemy Grey Hunters moved into contention of an objective close to our Lord and in turn his pack removed them... Our Lord removed eight by himself. In all, our Lord killed four Wolf Guard, a Wolf Lord and eight Grey Hunters.

In the end after much blood was spilled, the first great company held two objectives while their brothers held one, securing a victory for the Allfather and for Russ.


Since last week I lost a territory to Bill, I wanted to try and take back something this week. I had the third pick to fight and so I picked Steve (Space Wolves) and Rik (Blood Angels). My only other pick was Kyle... but I figure Steve and Rik would give good battles.

So Steve and I set up. He had only three territories so he got a lot more points to play with and I got an extra 50 and got to give my scouts preferred enemy.

From what I remember, he had two Long Fang units, three units of Grey Hunters in rhinos and then 2 drop pods with 5 wolf guard in one and 4 wolf guard and a wolf lord in another.

For me. it was three packs of Grey Hunters in Rhinos, a pack of six Sky Claws, a pack of Blood Claws in a Rhino, a pack of 10 wolf scouts and two preds all lascannoned out. All were led by wolf guards, two Wolf Priests and Lord Bran Redmaw.

We rolled seize ground and spearhead. Steve set his army up on his left and I on mine. After setting up, Steve got first turn.

TURN 1 -
Steve dropped a drop pod in right behind a line of Rhinos I had set up and in front of my two Predators. Five Wolf Guard popped out. He moved a set of Long Fangs in a Razorback to his right and then disembarked them. He moved a Rhino with Grey Hunters and Wolf Priest towards my middle objectives. He then moved a Rhino across the table to my right to take an objective there. In his shooting, he blew up my Rhino in front of his Wolf Guard killing a couple inside. He then shot a couple more with his Wolf Guard and that was his turn.

On my turn, I moved my Blood Claws and Sky Claws, that were on the right of my deployment zone, only my table edge to my right. I moved the Grey Hunters that were now in the open, around to the right of his Wolf Guard. I moved a Rhino of Grey Hunters directly across the table to Steve's right. I got Bran Redmaw, his Priest and Grey Hunters out and they assaulted the Wolf Guard and Redmaw killed all but the Stormshield terminator and the terminator somehow lived through the entire engagement and fled the battle. My Preds shot and wrecked the Razorback the Long Fangs were in.

TURN 2 -
He rolled on his terminator and he moved two inches so he would still be running next turn. His next drop pod then came in right next to the first and he deployed four Wolf Guards and a Wolf Lord. His one unit of Grey Hunters stood in his deployment zone able to take or secure an objective as he wished. He removed the Grey Hunters from both his Rhinos and moved both sets towards objectives. He was scoring the one objective to my right, and the unit in the middle was close enough to shoot at the Grey Hunters in the open. He then moved his Rhinos to be able to contest if needed. His Long Fangs then shot into both units of Grey Hunters killing a couple in both, killing one in the Sky Claw unit and making my Rhino unable to move or shoot.

My Wolf Scouts came in right next to his Long Fang unit and moved into assault range. My Sky Claws jumped over the terrain and into assault range of the Hunters to my right. The Blood Claws went around the terrain to do the same. I moved my Predator over to the right 12 so he could fire upon Rhinos. The other Predator stayed where it was. I proceeded to shoot all the Wolf Guard dead. I shot into the Grey Hunters with the Blood Claws and killed two and shot into the Long Fangs with the Wolf Scouts and killed maybe one. I then assaulted the Wolf Lord with both my Grey Hunters and Redmaws unit. Why? Cause I needed to get my Grey Hunters away from HIS Grey Hunters. lol Redmaw killed his Lord before anything else happened, but I rolled low on both consolidations. :( The Blood Claws killed all but one Grey Hunter on the objective to my right. The Scouts put one wound on the Rune Priest and killed two others while I lost five.

TURN 3 -
Steve moved his Grey Hunters into assault range of my dwindling Grey Hunter unit, but they were in range of Redmaw and his Wolf Priest. He moved some Rhinos around and shot all his stormbolters. The Long Fang unit to his right, once again made my Rhino with Grey Hunters still in it unable to move or shoot which was really annoying.  He shot my Grey Hunters and then they broke and because they were next to two drop pods, ended up running off the table on my turn. The assault with the Blood Claws ended quickly with the death of his powerfist Hunter. My Sky Claws consolidated towards the right table edge towards his Long Fang unit. The Blood Claws consolidated around the objective. The assault with the Long Fangs and Wolf Scouts ended with me losing three men to his one, I failed my leadership and I then ran back three inches.

My turn, my Wolf Scouts ran another 6" into terrain. Redmaw then moved into assault range of his Grey Hunters. I moved the Sky Claws towards his Long Fangs and then ran them. I put the Blood Claws into their Rhino which had moved around the terrain. I shot into a Rhino with a Pred and wrecked it. I then assaulted his group of Grey Hunters with Redmaw... Redmaw had 8 attacks and wounded with all 8. Was crazy. His remaining two then died and I consolidated.

TURN 4 -
Steve's Stormshield terminator regrouped, moved and assaulted my Rhino with Grey Hunters. He shot almost everything he had into Redmaw's group and killed all the Hunters and Wolf Priest making Redmaw independent and unable to take an objective. The Blood Claws lost a claw when Steve blew up their Rhino. He removed the last Grey Hunter unit from their Rhino and moved them to the objective in his deployment zone. He then ran the rhino towards the objective held by the Blood Claws.

On my turn the scouts regrouped and moved towards the Rhino moving towards the Blood Claws. I moved Redmaw towards the Long Fangs on Steve's right. I moved my Sky Claws towards the Long Fangs to the northeast, they shot but could not assault as I rolled too low. My Wolf Scouts assaulted the Rhino and immobolized it. My Grey Hunters assaulted the terminator and killed it and consolidated behind cover and a rhino. Lascannons on the Preds missed.

TURN 5 -
Steve moved his Hunters to have his objective secure. He shot into the Blood Claws with the Long Fangs and killed one not making a morale check. He shot all of a Long Fang unit into redmaw and he fell.

On my turn I moved my Grey Hunters to secure my objective. I assaulted the Long Fangs with my Sky Claws  keeping them in combat. He killed two and I killed two. I shot my lascannons again and missed.

The game ended. I had two objectives to his one. He had one mobile Rhino, two Drop Pods, a group of 10 Grey Hunters, a group of 3 Long Fangs and a group of 6 Long Fangs on the table. I had a group of 7 Blood Claws, 4 Sky Claws w/Guard, 7 Grey Hunters w/Guard, a Rhino and two Predators left on the table. Was a blood bath and a great game. The assaults were awesome. I think I got a couple pics before the camera died so I will post them later.

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