Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Rout Hunts...

Tonight we are all playing at the Battlefoam Saloon and I'm taking on my son and his Corsairs. Should be fun. He has learned to play his army well and all his battles have been close. I just like spending time playing with him cause hes getting to that age where his sense of humor and personality are really coming out. Ya know, becoming a man and all that.

I've hit a rut in my hobbying. I havent painted in a lil over a week and havent finished my blood claw building. I have to get off my fat ass and get  this stuff done. Well at least get it all base coated for crying out loud.

When I first got into the hobby I started a Raven Guard army. I liked their fluff and everything like that. So I bought a shit ton of it and started building and painting. The major thing that made me get that entire army painted was that I wasnt going to play it until it was all painted. That made me want to paint through the dull parts and push to get it done... and when it hit the table it looked really nice. I really should have taken that direction with my Space Wolves.

You see I have my vices just like everyone else and my vice is computer games. Not console games, computer games. I love playing MMOs (which are massively multi-player online games) like World of Warcraft. Currently I am waiting for Star Wars: The Old Republic to come out and that will really put a damper on my hobby, not my playing, just my hobby. I dont think I could quit playing again like I did a year ago. So you see why I have to get this stuff painted.

But I dont want to rush it and make it look bad. That would make me even more angry. I like the big highlights I put on my wolves to make them stand out, but I'm not really getting any better as a painter because of how fast I do them. Its a catch 22. I wanna go fast, yet I wanna get better. Ugh... anyways... I have work to do so gotta go. haha :)

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