Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Wolves were covered in Blood!

Rik and I played last night and it went 7 turns.. which normally isnt too bad, but when you are out in the heat that 7 turns makes it a marathon. :) Rik brought his normal list (he posted it on Kyle's blog a while back) and I brought a somewhat different list. I removed some stuff and added a group of Long Fangs. We rolled up spreahead as deployment and capture and control as the mission. I won the roll to go first. The following is what I remember of the massacre.

Turn 1 -
I moved some Grey Hunters in a rhino towards his table edge and moved a rhino with Grey Hunters and a Rune Priest towards his objective. I had to keep a certain distance as Rik has 25 Jump Pack guys and I didnt want to get charged. I shot a lot of lascannons (i was playing with 8) into a Rhino, blew it up and killed a couple guys inside. I then shot living lightning into them and killed maybe one more.

Rik went and drop pod'd his Dread into my deployment zone behind the rhino that i moved towards his table edge and in front of the rhino with Redmaws group of doom in it. He then moved the Tactical Squad now in the open into some trees. He moved a multi-melta attack bike up and wrecked the rhino with grey hunters in it. His dread shot off the stormbolter from the rhino (good for me). He moved his rhino with a full tact squad towards my deployment zone. He then moved some jump pack guys around, but not closer to me as it would put them in the open to be shot at.

Turn 2 -
My scouts come in behind him and shoot at his assault squad along his table edge killing a couple even through feel no pain. They then assaulted and killed a couple more while losing the same amount. My group of grey hunters in the open shot into the back of the dread and made it immobile. I moved redmaws rhino next to the dread and made it so it couldnt shoot the next turn. Fired several lascannon shots into it and they missed. I fired a pred at his attack bike and killed it. I fired a pred at his remaining Rhino, blew it up and killed five guys in the inside at which point Rik threw his dice away. haha I then shot into them and hit them with Muderous Hurricane and two remained.

Riks Stormraven did not come in. He brought his second assault squad down to help in the assault of the scouts. They missed quite a bit leaving me able to get my Wulfen attacks off on his small squad and out of six attacks I rended on three. lol So his unit was down to the apothecary and Seargent as my scouts died... but did their job which was hold his squads back. He shot a missle into my rhino with the Priest and did nothing. He had nothing really to shoot so that was his turn.

Turn 3 -
I shot and killed his 2 remaining tact squad in the middle of the table. I moved the rhino up next to the terrain with his tact squad in it, got out and shot at them killing maybe 1? Was awful. Shot lascannons and everything else into the Dread and blew it up. I didnt move anything else out of fear of his assault troops that could come.

His Stormraven came on and went flat out to the middle of the table and machine spirited a shot at the side armor of a pred and made it immobile. He moved his remaining big assault squad back around his objective and moved his tactical squad towards it. He moved the seargent/apoth combo to the objective too. He hadnt moved Dante and his guard at all the entire game so far.

Turn 4 -
I shot all I had into the Stormraven and knocked off the melta guns and made it so it couldnt shoot. I moved my hunters through the terrain a bit and fired 6 shots on the assault squad and hit them murderous hurricane to stop their wanting to move. I moved the rhino with Redmaw in it towards his objective. The footslogging hunters followed the rhino.

Rik moved the Stormraven flat out over to my objective. He then moved Dante behind some cover along his back table edge closer to my footsloggers. He shot into my grey hunters but didnt kill any of them.

Turn 5 -
I moved my grey hunter unit up towards his objective and split the rune priest away from them. The priest used murderous hurricane again on the assault marines and the hunters shot at the tactical squad. I moved Redmaw's Rhino and the footsloggers towards his objective and moved my 5man grey hunter unit with my long fangs around mine to secure it. I shot into the Stormraven and blew it up.

His turn Dante and his asskickery assaulted my footsloggers and killed them all before I got an attack back. He moved his apothecary and seargent towards my Rhino and blew it up with an infernus pistol. I placed my unit behind the rhino and he couldnt assault them. (I'm a dick like that. haha) He shot his assault squad into the rune priest and he saved his melta wound but rolled snake eyes against two bolters. hahaha

Turn 6 -
I turned my squad of asskickery upon Dante's and killed all but Dante and the apothecary. He ran, I couldnt catch and new that would be bad for me. lol I moved my grey hunters over and double assaulted the small tact squad and the apothecary and seargent duo. Redmaw roared and they were furious so I killed most of them while losing little.

Dante and his apothecary charged back into Redmaws unit. Dante brought down Redmaw and then fell to a Wolf Guard and PW Hunter. The Apothecary and Wolf Priest dueled it out and the Wolf Priest won. I consolidated towards his objective. His assault squad assaulted into the grey hunters and in the end my hunters died and he consolidated to his objective.

Turn 7 -
I shot everything into his remaining assault squad killing all but three. I moved my last group of priest, guard and hunter into range and assaulted them and killed them ending the game.

I won 2 objectives to none... and Rik needs new dice. Pictures to come! :)


  1. I loves reading this battle report. Although there were a few things I didnt understand with the BA list I wont voice them here as I dont feel its the right forum. I am however looking forward to more of your battle reports! Happy Gaming!

  2. You can ask about it here and Rik will see it. The thing I think I can't really put into a battle report is line of site or field coverage. The thing Rik couldn't do was jump across at me like he wanted. Mainly because my scouts removed the one jump unit and pulled them back. That meant if he would have brought out Dante and his guard I would have shot everything into them with nothing following after them... Unless you count the tactical squads that I shot up instead, but tactical squads do not frighten space wolves at all. So shoot your question out and Rik will give ya an answer.

  3. Ok thx. Well heres the deal. Tactical squads are great for BA if your playing an APOC game and you just wanna play with the minis. Other than that leave em alone. #2. Dante. Hes crap. Im a BA player, but I have to admit it hes worthless. The fact that hes got Str 4 is just terrible. Look for Mephy or a liby or (my fav) reclusiarch. Drop dred is great, although I dont know why you didnt just put him in the raven. BE MORE AGRESSIVE! Your Blood Angels, be proud of that. Alot of what im seeing in this report is reactionary movement and "playing it safe". You need to be much more aggressive, think "Kamikaze" More Chaplains and jump troopers. Chaplains... omg they are amazing... try it.

  4. After our game we talked about a lot of the things you brought up. Especially the Dread going into the Stormraven and the addition of a chaplain or two for the same reasons I play with Wolf Priest... The reroll to hit are so important for that many attacks. I'll try to make Rik respond for his input. Hehe :)
